I would love to say we come from a world where everything is nice and pretty, and everyone is fair. But, we live in a world where everyone wants everything they want for the lowest price possible, including this industry.
Remember, no matter how nice a John can be, it’s a business transaction, and he still wants quality for cheap. Ladies, beware.
At times, women try to negotiate pricing, which sometimes has to happen for many hours. However, do not undersell yourself. Stay gutsy unless you seriously need the money. Believe me, when times are hard, I know, you have to do it. But, remember there are good times ahead.
The sweet Johns in the world will undercut you if you don’t keep your word. So, please remember, know your worth and stick to it. Not all, but 99 percent take advantage. And once you feel they are, walk out. Bright days are ahead. Your value is worth more than lowering your standards.